31 employees
Over time, the apex family has grown. More than 30 employees form the core team that will handle your event. Not just experts in their fields, all of our partners are very passionate about their work, sharing the same human values such as mutual assistance, listening and desire for professional excellence. These values are the identity of apex today that all our customers recognize and appreciate.
10 professions
Light, sound, video, logistics... each position requires special skills and dedicated expertise. These are the key factors for a successful event. More than 10 professions are represented among the apex’s people: sound engineers, technicians and designers, project leaders, video operators, and so many more... This team can be joined by external service providers recognized for their expertise, so we can offer our customers a wider range of services.
4,000 customers
Proof of its skillfulness and know-how, apex provides services to customers of various horizons: financial establishments, media groups, airline companies, institutional organizations, etc. apex is proud to serve its customers in large-scale events throughout the year. Our customers’ satisfaction remains our primary motivation and pushes us to constantly improve our quality of service. Reflecting the diverse population of Luxembourg, our customer base is also multicultural. 10 different nationalities co-exist in perfect harmony within our team. Our workers are therefore accustomed to working in different languages. Wherever you are from, there will always be an apex expert to help you.