Rocket launched, mission accomplished 👍
Esch2022 - European Capital of Culture is officially launched!
Thank you to Esch 2022 for trusting us and to the many actors who made this ceremony possible!
Special thanks to Dany Lucas, Guillaume Taens, adhoc engineering GmbH and Chris Moylan from Optikalusion for the lighting design and the beautiful images..🤩
apex participates in the launch of Esch2022 - European Capital of Culture

apex, partner of the 13th Luxembourg City Film Festival 2023

As a loyal partner of the Luxembourg City Film Festival, apex is proud to renew its support for this landmark event which will take place from 2 to 12 March 2023. As an event equipment supplier, we are delighted to contribute to the success of this unique event in Luxembourg. We are looking forward to seeing quality cinematographic achievements from around the world projected on the big screen and celebrating film culture. Join us for a relaxing cinematic experience!
Renewed partnership for the Multiplica digital arts festival

Join us at the Rotondes for the fourth edition of Multiplica, the festival of digital realities.
From February 24 to March 5, 2023, discover digital art creations from the lux. and int. scene through performances, concerts, workshops and more.
As a supplier of multimedia equipment for this event, apex is proud to support this unique, state-of-the-art festival in Luxembourg.
apex partners of the 12th Luxembourg City Film Festival 2022

It is with great pride that apex renews its contribution as a partner of the Luxembourg City Film Festival 2022. The seventh edition of the Luxembourg City Film Festival is to be discovered from 3 to 13 March, not only via all the cinemas cinemas in the capital but also through the Headquarters located at the foot of the Gëlle Fra. Hors les Murs events are added to the two international competitions, with numerous exclusives and more than 150 sessions organized. Join us in this collective experience of indoor cinema, the only one, the real one.
Les événements sont de nouveau autorisés

📣 Nous commençons à voir le bout du tunnel, nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous la nouvelle checklist ✅ de la LEA pour vous aider à organiser vos événements professionnels.
apex signs Yamaha Pro Audio Dealer agreement

apex is proud to announce that we are part of the Yamaha Pro Audio authorized dealer network. Yamaha offers a wide range of products which will now be available for purchase with or without apex installation.
The mystery shop window of Reed & Simon
Among the end-of-year surprises in Luxembourg-city, some pop-up stores are popping up, but also "pop-up windows". This is how Reed & Simon chose to occupy an empty business and install a scene full of mystery.
On the same principle as pop-up stores, there are "pop-up windows", temporary window installations in unoccupied shops. It is this original formula that Reed & Simon has chosen to be present in the city center of Luxembourg by proposing an imaginary scene in a room located at the corner of 34, rue Notre-Dame / rue Philippe II.
"We were inspired by the 'Twin Peaks' ambience to create this imaginary scene," says Max Heldenstein, sales manager at Reed & Simon. "It's as if the occupants of this apartment had gone to bed after partying, leaving behind a piece of mystery. For us, it's also a way to be present in the city and to say that we love urban life, the streets of the city center and their atmosphere. A mix of drama and mystery that befits Luxembourg right now. "
This showcase is thus, for them, the opportunity to stage furniture that are available in their catalog, but also to collaborate with Apex which ensured the luminous atmosphere, as well as with Vitrin City Concorde, Honey / Mustard, Vitra, USM, & Tradition. And who knows, maybe another scene will appear next?
Written by Céline Coubray
Top 100
Organized by independent media group Maison Moderne, this event identifies the 100 most influential economic players in Luxembourg. As a technical partner of this major event, apex designed a unique audiovisual setup for Maison Moderne.
apex relocates

After several years at Bertrange, apex recently invested in new headquarters located in Contern. Only 15 minutes away from all main event centers in Luxembourg, this new 4,000m² building was designed to meet the needs and activities of the company according to environmental standards.